Coming and Going

It has always been mysterious to me being able to see the sun and the moon at the same time. I wonder about the power of being in two times at the SAME time… day and night. I also wonder about rainbows and how they are actually able to appear in the arch that they do in the sky – These are all mysterious to me. 

We were able to go to the beach for Thanksgiving this year and 2 of our 3 children (and their significant others) were able to stay with us. We had a lovely week and on our last night out to see the sunset on the beach this mysterious sky opened up to us and we watched the sun turn everything orange and bright pops of red and yellow. We could hardly imagine anything more beautiful – everywhere we looked the colors were so vivid and amazing. 

And then we turned around and saw this rainbow arch over the sky to our backs and we just stared and stared at it. Our phone photos carried just  a fraction of the wonder and mystery involved in those moments when this last day ended and we were going back to pack up and go home. 

Home where the sun rises and sets at our house just like it does at the beach. Home where we can see rainbows after the storms that rush through Georgia every year. Home to where we would be once again with all of our familiar stuff in all of our familiar places. 

But for those 20 minutes we were in this wild and wonderful mysterious place between day and night, sun and storm, water and sand in space that was not our own. 

And we, all of us, were caught up in the mystery of the moments on that beach. 

~Lydia Patrick

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3 Responses to Coming and Going

  1. katrina P yurko says:

    ON FIRE ! Gorgeous skyscapes Lydia, and the depth of perception to realize how much a gift it is, not something to glimpse at and leave on the beach.

  2. Carol Richardson says:

    In thinking about being there in real time, I cannot. Stunning. Thank you. I have saved your treasured moments to my photos.

  3. Candice Carver says:

    Of all the things I loved about living on the coast was the beautiful array of colors in the mornings and evenings. The sheer beauty of the sky was always a mystery to me.

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