You can read this set of “instructions” and then try it somewhere, sometime today.
- Find something in your world that grabs your attention, attracts you, draws you to notice it, or elicits your curiosity. This may be any being in your world.
- Allow your mind and body to grow still. Become aware of your breathing, and then allow your senses to tune into this being that has caught your attention.
- As you connect with this being, allow it to draw you into itself, and allow it to draw into you.
- This is communion of one being to another.
- Be in that communion for as long as you can. That may be 30 seconds or 30 minutes.
- When you must move on with your life’s path for the day, offer some sign, some gesture of honor from you to the being.
- As you slowly move away to the next thing on your path, breathe with intent, and notice how the other being has changed you–however so slightly or strongly.
Meditation is communion with the Sacred, and the Sacred can be found in all things.
Bob Patrick