Monthly Archives: November 2013

Storehouse: Of Knowledge

“There is no difference between living and learning… It is impossible and misleading and harmful to think of them as being separate.”  ~ John Holt In many ways modern technology makes our lives easier, but, somewhat paradoxically, it also adds … Continue reading

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Storehouse: Lion Hunter

This summer we adopted a pound puppy, about a year old. He’s sweet and goofy. The name “Moose” that he came with fits him well, so we kept it. When people ask what breed he is, my response has been … Continue reading

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Storehouse: Tell Me a Story, part 2

(Tell Me a Story, part 1 was published this past Sunday, and can be found here.) “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”  ~ Maya Angelou I love the stories that are a part of … Continue reading

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Storehouse: Fire Meditation

The darkest time of the year, which we are now quickly approaching, affords no abundance of food, natural beauty or temperate weather.  It is dark, cold and wet.  Nothing grows.  We naturally light fires. Jesus was called “sol invictus,” the … Continue reading

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Storehouse: Air Meditation

What do you say when someone thanks you for something you’ve done for them?  The standard English response is:  “you’re welcome.”  In a recent article Adam Grant challenges our thinking with other words that we might use in response. I think … Continue reading

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Storehouse of Wonder

“Our stars twinkle and wink as if they know us…” C.T. Mukpo My neighborhood has very few street lamps making it possible, on a clear night, for me to stand in the cul-de-sac in front of my house and see … Continue reading

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Storehouse: Tell Me a Story

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.”  ~ Philip Pullman Once upon a time… It was a dark and stormy night… In the Beginning… We hear these phrases and we settle in … Continue reading

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