Tag Archives: gratitude

Filled With Loving Kindness: All Will Be Well

In the movie “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” the character Sonny says several times, “Everything will be all right in the end … if it’s not all right, it is not yet the end.” A colleague and friend wrote and … Continue reading

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Loss: Loss and Remembrance

“Death isn’t something to be shied away from, Booth. From an anthropological standpoint, the more openly a culture embraces death the less anxiety they associate with it.” (Bones, Season 11, Episode 3) We (my siblings and I) aren’t really sure … Continue reading

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The Washroom: Sharing the Washroom

This year the Southeast UU Summer Institute (SUUSI) was fortunate to find a site for our annual gathering after receiving a rather last-minute call in December from our expected hosts telling us they would not be able to accommodate us. … Continue reading

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Mother’s Day – The Grove: Giving

“Once there was a tree and she loved a little boy very, very much – even more than she loved herself.”  ~Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree  If you look closely, honestly at your relationship with your mother, regardless of the … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: of Gratitude

In 1992, I was arrested with some people that were breaking into cars in Pine Lake.  Seeing that I was on a leave of absence from my family’s first group home, they called my DFACS caseworker to come pick me … Continue reading

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Sustenance: Grocerypalooza

Recently, I’ve begun to shop at Aldi.  I’ve gone from full-time to part-time work, and a quick glance at our finances reveals an inordinate amount of our earnings goes toward groceries. For those who are unfamiliar, Aldi is a discount … Continue reading

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Wings: of Angels

Each and every one of us has experienced the benefit of everyday angels in our lives.  When one sees a need and fills it, without consideration of compensation, when we put forth effort for the benefit of others without expectation … Continue reading

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