Monthly Archives: October 2022

Courageous Love

In my spiritual exploration, I’m reading Smile at Fear: Awakening the True Heart of Bravery by Chögyam Trungpa. In the few first pages he offers ideas about what fear is and where it comes from:  “Fear is nervousness; fear is … Continue reading

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The Deep End

My four-year-old niece is learning to swim.  Riley loves the water, but she is also terrified of it.  On the day of her first swim lesson, she got all gussied up in her bathing suit, bathing cap, and goggles. She … Continue reading

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The Secret to Freedom

“The secret to freedom is courage.” ~ Thucydides Last month when “belonging” was the topic, I began thinking about how we find courage to choose where to belong and with whom to belong.  When I finished writing, the monthly topic … Continue reading

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How Do I Do That?

“How do I do that?” It’s a question that, as a parent and sometimes as a teacher, I learned to listen for. It usually came from one of our three children as they reached some place in growing up and … Continue reading

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Got Any?

The first time I heard the word “courage” was as a child watching the Wizard of Oz on TV. I understood the scarecrow’s desire for a brain, the tin man’s missing heart, but even by the end of the movie, … Continue reading

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Unseen Courage

If we could see what was going on underneath the surface of each other’s lives, we would be stunned at how much courage we exercise each day. Action packed movies with their unstoppable heroines and heroes impress upon us that … Continue reading

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Movie By Myself?

I love going to the movies. When I was a child and I assure you I used to be one many moons ago, movies were rare. I only remember going to the movies around 7 times in my childhood. Yes, … Continue reading

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