Monthly Archives: May 2024


When I was growing up there simply wasn’t any wiggle room in the plan for salvation. No plan B, no exemptions for goodness or kindness offered, no allowances made concerning your family of origin or just where on the planet … Continue reading

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I Open

The invitation to take a look at pluralism after our theme of interdependence as an idea but then to consider what it means to practice it, live it, engage it has me returning again and again to the invitation to … Continue reading

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Let’s Talk Body Parts

Our human bodies offer us a powerful metaphor of life as we know it. Think of your knee. If it is working for you, it flexes the lower leg up off the ground, hurling your foot toward your backside, and … Continue reading

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Something New

When something new comes along, it requires adjustment, doesn’t it? It was certainly true for me in the field of education. A new software program for teacher gradebooks, or a new approach to working with learning disabilities, or something much … Continue reading

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Little Dragon, You Are Welcome Here

Bob and I are grandparents to a little dragon – Orion Xialong. Orion for the constellation and mighty hunter. Xialong for a tiny dragon, the Chinese  year into which he was born. To say he is everything is just a … Continue reading

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Spiritual Pluralism

When I was growing up with my mom I was surrounded by many people in my life that had different views on religion. My grandparents were Buddhist, my friend’s mother was a Seventh Day Adventist, and my sister and I … Continue reading

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Practicing Pluralism

I just returned home from attending the Beltane service with the Druids at UUCG. I don’t consider myself to be a practicing Druid per se. I have visited various rituals with the Druids for my own curiosity and education as … Continue reading

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