Monthly Archives: May 2024

Infertile Dreams for Mother’s Day

I struggle with infertility, often in silence. The emotions and experiences that are present as Mother’s Day approaches are full of joy and pain. This day can serve as a sharp reminder of unfulfilled dreams and the deeply personal sorrow … Continue reading

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Seeking A Way To Hold It All

Rev. Nancy offered the following in the May 5 service. It continues to invite us into prayerful space. Let us open a prayerful space, a reflective space, a space where we can betruthful about how hard it is to live … Continue reading

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Gray Lines

This month is about seeking the answers to our hearts’ true and deep questions. To me it is also about letting go of old boundaries. As a child everything was black and white and my life was framed within a … Continue reading

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The Grocery Store

I am in the grocery store several times a week, usually to pick up those few extra things that we realize we are out of. While I love my food (!), I think I enjoy just as much seeing all … Continue reading

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You Are Beautiful To Me

I wrote this song sometime in 1982 shortly after Bob and I got married. Over the years the words have changed. I am not surprised as I have changed. It started out as a song of salvation just like most … Continue reading

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Beltane for All

Pluralism, the recognition and acceptance of diversity within a society or community, intertwines with the celebration of Beltane, an ancient Gaelic festival marking the beginning of summer. This convergence highlights the richness of human cultures and traditions, emphasizing the importance … Continue reading

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Scratching and Digging in Common Ground

Before I even get beyond this first line, I want to say that I do not pretend for a moment that the following issues are easy or simple. There, having said that . . . The differences among Americans right … Continue reading

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