Author Archives: Christiana McQuain
Wings: Getting There
A repost from May 4, 2014 Are we there yet? The age-old cry from children in the back of the car, impatient to reach the intended destination. Weary, cranky, eager to get this part of the trip over with so … Continue reading
Independence Day
(Reposted from July 4, 2014–despite that this was 9 years ago, this post speaks poignantly to where we are currently) Today, in the United States, we celebrate the birth of our nation. The Declaration of Independence, drafted, signed, and ratified … Continue reading
The Deep End
My four-year-old niece is learning to swim. Riley loves the water, but she is also terrified of it. On the day of her first swim lesson, she got all gussied up in her bathing suit, bathing cap, and goggles. She … Continue reading
Through a Lens of Belonging
This past weekend, I was blessed with the opportunity to lead – or I suppose it would be more accurate to say accompany – two young children on a walk through the woods. We carried magnifying glasses so that we … Continue reading
Resilience: When Life Hands You Lemons
This morning in the worship service, I shared a presentation about Lemonade, and one perspective on how to think about the lemons that life hands you. I’d like to share another take on this adage. A (lemon) twist, if you will… Continue reading
Faith: Being More
Daily I wrestle with the feeling that the state of the world I see before me is all there is. Daily, I doubt my ability to have an impact Is this reality, or is this a perception of my own … Continue reading
All is Welcome Here: Bring it On!
What brings you here today? Are you lost and seeking familiarity – something recognizable to help you find your way back to your comfort zone, or to a new path entirely? Are you “found” and desiring to rejoice and share … Continue reading