Category Archives: Change
Change–Breath by Breath
Election day is an important day in the life of a democracy. For the last few weeks in most US states, people have been engaging in early voting, showing up at polls and casting their ballots. Journalists, pollsters, and politicos … Continue reading
Growing Pains
Change is stressful, full stop. Even positive changes in our lives can bring anxiety and stress, and yet, change is unavoidable. Change surrounds us particularly at this time of the year when the air cools and colorful leaves fall from … Continue reading
Change–And Covid
This Covid thing. It has rearranged our human landscape in life and death terms. It has rattled our formal and informal ways of being together. It has required “business as usual” in all forms of human business to rethink itself … Continue reading
Patterns and Chaos
There are patterns in chaos. These patterns are fractals, which repeat endlessly like the roots and branches of trees, blood vessels, branching rivers, lightning, seashells, hurricanes, and galaxies! Most of us, through the random events of our lives, perceive emotional … Continue reading
Change is Coming
Change is coming. Do I let it in? I don’t know. Change is coming. Do I hide? Maybe, I will. Change is coming. Do I fear it? Sometimes, I do. Change is coming. Will it be bad? I hope it … Continue reading
Look at the Clouds
One of the most ancient ways that human beings have sought direction and guidance is through reading the clouds. We have all probably participated in some form of cloud reading. Especially on a day with some sky showing and some … Continue reading