Category Archives: Gift of Heritage

October 2023 theme

A Heritage of Hurt

Our reflections this month have centered around the theme of “the gift of heritage.” Our writers have shared with us a number of ways that they have opened themselves to their own individual and more collective experiences of heritage. They … Continue reading

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Samhain Season

The word Samhain (pronounced Sow-Inn) is a special time of the year where the veil between worlds is the thinnest, the world we are in, the world of faeries, and the world of the dead blend together as one. Many … Continue reading

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Mom’s Hands

Of all the things I remember most about mom, it is her hands. She had strong hands, I remember the crease and lines. As a child I would hold her hand and trace the lines of her veins down to … Continue reading

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Breaking Inherited Trauma

I won’t ramble on about my upbringing, but it’s not a secret that I was abused. I feel there are many children of the 80’s that inherited trauma from being raised with the saying “it’s just how it was back … Continue reading

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Knowing Their Story

“Welcome, welcome emigrante, welcome, welcome to my home……” BuffySainte-Marie, 1965. Earworm, me, 2023. As a child of early and recent immigrants, I have wondered about thewelcome they received when they arrived in this country. The welcome ofthe 19th century immigrants … Continue reading

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Rediscovering Heritage

There has been a huge movement of reskilling and rediscovering old skills. Foraging has been a skill that is as old as the human race. Being ancestors of hunters and gathers it’s somewhat natural for our species to forage. It … Continue reading

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Living Up to Our Potential

It’s October in the South.  We will soon be free from days full of sunshine and comfortable temperatures.  My gardening will come to a halt…. just as soon as I finish transplanting daffodils, sifting my compost, and putting my garlic … Continue reading

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