Category Archives: Loss
Loss: A Step Up
It has happened again. A Black motorist, this time a musician who often played in Florida churches, stranded at 3 AM with car trouble, approached by a police officer. Dead. Details of what happened can, so far, only be reported … Continue reading
Loss: I Know I Can Go On
Though days be dark with storms And burdens weigh my heart Though troubles wait at every turn, I know I can go on. When sorrow heals my soul and burdens make me strong, Though troubles wait at every turn, I … Continue reading
Loss: Keeping Your Feet
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” … Continue reading
Loss: Special Space
“You don’t yet realize that you’ve lived up until now in racialized space.” It was a line I heard several times this past weekend in a film, Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible, that we viewed as a part of our … Continue reading
Loss: Lost and Found
Years ago I served as the Youth Activities Coordinator for the UUA’s Joseph Priestley District, a five-state region that included the District of Columbia. One of my roles in this position was to work closely with the District Youth Steering … Continue reading
Loss: Letting Go
I was reading a passage with my AP Latin students recently in which two military leaders were arguing about the best response to a report of a pending attack from the enemy. The argument went through the night. Finally, the … Continue reading
The Loss of Something Essential
There is this human quality without which, simply put, I am nothing. I could be very accomplished in academics (which a lot of Unitarian Universalists are) but without it I am empty and just a noise-maker. In the religious and … Continue reading