Category Archives: Science and Reason
Science and Reason–Gathering Evidence
. . . hypotheses are not summaries or categories for existing data and observations, but must pass the test of accounting for new data. If our current hypotheses are able to predict new events, they survive. If they fail, even … Continue reading
February 14-Science and Reason: Evolution of Love
When I was a teenager I wrote a lot of poems, mostly about love. It is interesting to look back on those poems now and witness the roller coaster of emotions I felt at that time in my life. On … Continue reading
Science and Reason: Being Human, Staying Human
In a recent podcast of On Being, Krista Tippet interviewed internationally known psycho-linguist Jean Berko Gleason, “Unfolding Language, Unfolding Life.” Gleason explains that among linguists as among many academics across the field of psychology, there are long standing debates about whether … Continue reading
Science and Reason: Changing Truth
“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forego their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain … Continue reading
Science and Reason: No Fear
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less. —Marie Curie* Too often, religions foster fear in their adherents. The fear fits a … Continue reading
Science and Reason: Seeing and Saying
It is a rare qualification to be able to state a fact simply and adequately . . . to conceive and suffer the truth to pass through us living and intact . . . First of all a man must … Continue reading