Ever since the election I have felt burdened with worry. I feel like we are living in a nightmare, and I have deep fear for the future of our nation and our world. I am simply burnt out.
Or am I..?
What if what looks (and, I’ll admit, often feels) like ashes is actually an ember? I’m not beaten down, I’m fired up!
I have heard people say with absolute conviction that they believe “God intervened in this election to give us Donald Trump”…
But actually, I think that may be true. (Okay, I know what you’re thinking, but hear me out for a minute…)
What if in our comfortable slumber and our easy complacency we were offending the universe by squandering our potential to be a formidable force for good? Perhaps there is a divine energy that felt compelled to remind us of our collective power. Of our resilience and our strength. What if adversity is the only avenue by which we will achieve all that is possible? What if getting there requires that we march down that avenue, called forward by our hunger for justice? Hope is the flame that burns within the inspired soul, but our best intentions weren’t enough…
In striking the match I realize – nightmares end when we wake up!

image ©JD Benz
From the light of days remembered burns a beacon bright and clear
Guiding hands and hearts and spirits into faith set free from fear.
When the fire of commitment sets our mind and soul ablaze,
When our hunger and our passion meet to call us on our way,*
Is this what it took to ignite the flame?
It had to get hard because nothing worth fighting for is ever easy. It had to get deep because you don’t really learn to swim until your feet can’t touch the bottom.
It had to get dismal because the light only achieves its greatest impact when it shines into darkness.
When we live with deep assurance of the flame that burns within,
Then our promise finds fulfillment, and our future can begin.*
~ Christiana
*Lyrics of the UU hymn “Fire of Commitment”, by Jason Shelton
Thank you, Christiana, for these timely and encouraging words!
Thank you, Terry. Very often I write what I need to hear myself. Today would be an example of this.
~ C.
Christiana, that was beautiful. I am so stoked that “The Fire of Commitment” is our theme for the month- it is one of my favorite songs to sing in choir. For me, it is not only a song to call us all into action, but it represents a deeply personal drive to turn my pain and triumphs into a powerful story of hope for others. No matter what is going on in our nation, we have to hold onto hope for one another. We are the ones we have been waiting for.
Yes! And as long as we remember that “we are the ones we have been waiting for”, we retain our power and the ability to achieve our dreams, and not simply aspire to them.
Thanks, Jen.
Wow, what comforting words to help us all keep our feet to the fire of commitment!
Thank you, Peggy. We count on each other to hold our feet to the fire when things start getting too hot. I’m so glad to be part of a community that so values that degree of commitment and accountability.
~ C.
Christiana, I have believed as you mentioned that the universe gave us trump because, for instance, we needed to hear all of the voices of trump voters. Did we know that so many people were hurting? So many that in spite of their possible doubt of what he was saying would actually come to fruition they voted for him anyway?
Indeed, Carol. This post represents my inner voice of resistance speaking. Later this month I will allow my inner voice of compassion to speak, and your statement here resonates with her deeply.
We are hearing the voices of so many people in our nation who have felt ignored, silenced. Progress lies in our willingess not just to hear them (which we’re essentially forced to do now), but to truly listen.
~ C.