Tag Archives: 7th principles

Gratitude of Generosity

About a year ago I fell in love with Don Miguel Ruiz the writer of the Four Agreements. Since then I’ve read (listened) to several of his books finding an understanding and kindred knowledge in his writing.  I try very … Continue reading

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Gratitude to Receive

Growing up my family was constantly on the receiving end of generous people. My mother, a somewhat single female (stepfather wasn’t really around much) raising two daughters constantly worked and did her best to keep a roof over our heads … Continue reading

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When Giving Is All We Have

One river givesIts journey to the next.  We give because someone gave to us.We give because nobody gave to us. We give because giving has changed us.We give because giving could have changed us. We have been better for it,We … Continue reading

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Heart of Gold

Recently, I heard on the radio “Heart of Gold” by Neil Young, one of his more famous songs, that has always touched me to the core.  “I want to live, I want to give, I’ve been a miner, for a … Continue reading

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Generosity In My Heart

Growing up in a Christian society I have,  on more than one occasion, heard about giving generously and receiving glory. Many passages in the bible talk about giving to the Lord, giving to those in need. The implication of those … Continue reading

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