Monthly Archives: September 2013

Renewal: Together With Others

Jeff Wilson (Buddhism of the Heart) writes: “We don’t just seek our own salvation–we are only fully happy when we can be born together with all others.  No one is left behind by Amida (a name for the Buddha in his … Continue reading

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Renewal: Trust those you serve

I don’t know of any restorer or destroyer of human relationships greater than trust, given and broken. There is a vital connection between what restores and renews us in relationships and what tears them apart. Trust opens the heart and … Continue reading

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Renewal: Overnight Renewal

Remember those face creams that claim to remove wrinkles and make you younger overnight? Perhaps you use such creams now. Perhaps they work … I don’t know. I tried some different ones over the years but never could tell if … Continue reading

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Renewal: Earth Meditation

Remember a time when you were outside of any human made building and in some way or another in contact with the earth. Perhaps you were sitting on the ground, under a tree, or near a body of water, or … Continue reading

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Renewal: Water Meditation

Just for today, let’s choose to be aware of every contact we have with water.  In any moment, when we have contact with water, let us bring our attention to it and notice how our life is connected to this … Continue reading

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Renewal: Fire Meditation

Fire is that creative spark that resides within all of us.  When is the last time you were in touch with your creativity?  Maybe yesterday?  Maybe years ago?  The fire within is what keeps us alive, and it is what … Continue reading

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Renewal: Renewing Our Resolve

Unitarian Universalists draw inspiration from many sources. Among these are the words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love. About this … Continue reading

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