Monthly Archives: January 2014

Birth: Playing in Being

In a radio conversation between a fiction writer and a computer scientist,the scientist asked the author:  do you find that your characters sometimes begin to tell you what to do with them in your writing?  The author replied:  oh, yes, … Continue reading

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Birth: Sunrise

My son was driving me home from the airport.  It was late and cold.  Suddenly I was aware of this haunting music on the radio and that he was singing.  It has become one very important song to me, and … Continue reading

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Birth: When Were You Born?

Awhile back, a shaman friend of mine posted an essay questioning the meaning of the phrase “late in life”, and re-framing the definition of age by equating it with the length of time that has passed since experiencing a spiritual … Continue reading

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Birth: And Being

People who have become parents in the last 30 years with access to adequate healthcare have routinely had the opportunity to listen to the baby’s heartbeat and see sonogram pictures of the fetus.  For all of human history, mothers have … Continue reading

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Birth: Born Again

Many people have told me they are Born Again Unitarian Universalists. This is how they describe the realization that there is a religious community they can call a spiritual home … a place where they don’t have to compromise their … Continue reading

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Birth: Your Voice

From the day you were born, other people told you what you are.    You’re cute, you’re loud, you’re silly.  You’re the smart one, the skinny one, the slow one.  You are stupid, you’re funny, you’re lazy, you’re handsome, you’re so … Continue reading

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Birth: It Always Changes Us

Recently, via Story Core on NPR, I listened to a couple recount the birth of their first child. The details were beginning to sound very much like our first experience of childbirth.  All the months of planning, child-birth classes, joint … Continue reading

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