Monthly Archives: February 2014

Ecology: Everyday Miracles

Even on the most ordinary of days, the world is alive with everyday miracles.  That an acorn grows into an oak tree is a miracle.  That the tides of the earth’s oceans are reliant on the moon in outer space … Continue reading

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Ecology: Of Mind

In 2000, I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a week long retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh, the world-renown Buddhist teacher, nominated for the Nobel-Peace Prize by Martin Luther King, Jr.  It was a pivotal, life changing experience for … Continue reading

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Ecology: In Balance

The events in Yellowstone, as presented in this video, provide an eloquent example of the interdependent web at work.  The wolves, when reintroduced to the park after a 70 year absence, cause an alteration of, not just the other species … Continue reading

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Ecology–Permaculture: Edges and Change

Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share.  The last two principles of permaculture say that we will find the most interesting things at the edges of our gardens–that we should make good use of the marginal, and that we best … Continue reading

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Ecology: Winter’s Grace

Reaching for White The sun rose on fields snow blown and misted ghostly swirls and dervishes. No fog this––– for fog simply lies. No–––this was living as it arched and twisted, fingering out to the road and reaching for me … Continue reading

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Ecology: The Giving Tree

  “Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy.” So begins Shel Silverstein’s story, “The Giving Tree”.  This book was chosen as the focus of the Religious Exploration sessions at UUCG for last two months.  If you … Continue reading

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Ecology–Permaculture: Small, Slow, Diverse

Earth Care.  People Care.  Fair Share.  Recently I have been in the position to talk with several men who are in a drug rehab program.  Most of them are young, 20 somethings.  Some of them are in their 40’s or … Continue reading

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