Tag Archives: mindfulness

Filled With Loving Kindness: Deep Listening

Among the kindest gifts we can offer people is our deep listening. When someone is sharing their story, their feelings, their joy or their pain, being fully present is a precious gift. On November 3rd, I was in North Dakota to … Continue reading

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Filled With Loving Kindness: Sacred Ground

Last week I added North Dakota to the list of states I’ve visited in my lifetime. Most of our drive into North Dakota was in darkness, so it wasn’t until Thursday, the day of our national clergy witness of solidarity … Continue reading

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Filled with Loving Kindness: Our House of Loving Kindness

It was a great privilege and an honor to travel to North Dakota this past week to take part in a gathering of over 500 clergy from at least 20 different faith traditions, along with indigenous peoples from well over … Continue reading

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Love Makes a Bridge: Live and Learn

When I was a child living in Tacoma, Washington, I remember watching film footage of the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940.  The bridge had only been opened a few months when wind gusts hit it the wrong … Continue reading

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Departures: Earth Practice

“Aware of our interdependence, we acknowledge that eating ethically requires us to be mindful of the miracle of life we share with all beings. With gratitude for the food we have received, we strive to choose foods that minimize harm … Continue reading

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Flight: Spring Cleaning

Currently I am engaged in the wondrous tradition known as Spring Cleaning: going room by room, throughout my home, clearing out the clutter, and cleaning out the dirt.  I actually engage in this practice twice a year because, you know, … Continue reading

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Ecology: Of Mind

In 2000, I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a week long retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh, the world-renown Buddhist teacher, nominated for the Nobel-Peace Prize by Martin Luther King, Jr.  It was a pivotal, life changing experience for … Continue reading

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