Monthly Archives: April 2014

Metamorphosis: Earth Day, the aftermath

During the UUCG Earth Day Celebration last night there was some discussion about what each of us individually, as stewards of the earth, can do to contribute to the environmental movement.  It was pointed out that, though we all may … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: It Starts with Trouble

It starts with trouble, with dissatisfaction, with maybe even just a feeling that things are not right. Somewhere in the first 5 years of my teaching, I knew that I was teaching Latin just the same way that I had … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Easter–Back to Life

I love to nap! I have a blanket for napping.  Sometimes there is a book, a tablet, or an old movie on in the background but those are just distractions. There is a special space in the universe for us … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Dropping the Ball

It is possible to view life as a juggling act. Work, family, friendships, spirituality, Self-care, other, other, other… Each of the roles we play or commitments we take on represented by a single ball that we feel we must keep … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Good Friday–A Common Story

Today commemorates the Jewish version of an ancient and universal story.  (It has since become known as the Christian story, but it was originally the Jewish version of this powerful story told in many different cultures.  See here for an … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Awaiting Primavera

Across much of the nation, it seems as though Winter is reluctant to release its foothold on the here and now.   Or perhaps it is merely that Spring, having awakened just slightly later than usual, decided to hit the snooze … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Butterfly

This post is the third in a trio of posts inspired by butterflies. The first two can be found here and here. When the time comes for a newly-transformed butterfly to emerge from the darkness of its cocoon, it faces … Continue reading

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