Monthly Archives: June 2014

Sustenance: Grocerypalooza

Recently, I’ve begun to shop at Aldi.  I’ve gone from full-time to part-time work, and a quick glance at our finances reveals an inordinate amount of our earnings goes toward groceries. For those who are unfamiliar, Aldi is a discount … Continue reading

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Sustenance: Earth Meditation

Sit somewhere that allows you contact with the Earth.  Perhaps you can actually sit outside on a deck or porch.  Perhaps you can sit near a window so that you can see outside or hear birds sing.  Sit comfortably, feet … Continue reading

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Sustenance: Re-Wilding

I grew up in a large metropolitan city and, while I have always had an affinity for nature, I have never really had an appreciative connection with it.  I enjoy the feeling of grass beneath my feet, but I abhor … Continue reading

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Sustenance: Images

It was Sunday morning.  I was skipping out of Church at UUCG because of the nasty cold I had. The sneezing, coughing and unending use of tissues made me think better of being in close quarters around folks I love. … Continue reading

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Sustenance: Cooking with Intention

“. . . One of the pleasantest of all emotions is to know that I, I with my brain and my hands, have nourished my beloved few, that I have concocted a stew or a story, a rarity or a … Continue reading

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Sustenance: I Dreamed a Dream

Recently, I had a dream that I have had before.  I always pay attention to “repeat performances”, as I understand them to be some deeper part of myself trying to communicate an important message.  In this dream, I am driving home, … Continue reading

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Sustenance: Grandmother’s Daffodils

When I was growing up in Macon, GA we went frequently to my Dad’s home place in Warner Robins.  It was about a 30 to 45 minute ride but was out in the country for me.  Memories of these visits … Continue reading

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