Monthly Archives: July 2014

Departures: Spirit of Light

This is the time of year, at least here in the Deep South of the United States of America, in North America, we are easy to take lots and lots of sunlight for granted.  We even complain about it.  It … Continue reading

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Departures: Waking Up

Every morning my alarm goes off at 4:30.  Well, it’s not really my alarm, it’s my husband’s. But it’s on my side of the bed.  And it doesn’t wake him up, it wakes me.  And then I wake him.  Repeatedly.  … Continue reading

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Departures: Fire Practice

What you will need for this practice: A small piece of paper something to write with a match a small bowl or pan Take a moment to get yourself quiet and centered. Let your body settle into a calm and … Continue reading

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Departures: Time to Breathe

There have been weeks when I have restricted myself from bingeing on social media.  During those weeks I realized how much there was to do – and how much I couldn’t think of to do.  With all of the time … Continue reading

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Departures: Miraculous

A few days ago, I saw a rainbow.  Probably the most vibrant rainbow that I have personally ever witnessed (the image doesn’t do it justice).  Not a particularly unusual occurrence, but what made this sighting noteworthy is that it appeared … Continue reading

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Departures: Courage

In an interview just before her death, poet and wise woman, Maya Angelou said that she wanted young men and women to know that courage was the most important of the virtues because without it, one could not practice or … Continue reading

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Departures: Working it out

“Then the Buddha addressed all the monks once more, and these were the very last words he spoke: “Behold, O monks, this is my last advice to you. All component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. … Continue reading

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