Tag Archives: UU 1st Principle
Love Makes a Bridge: Into Our Shadowy Places
Yesterday’s post of reasons why Black Lives Matter received very high readership among those who read this blog. I want to continue for the next few days reflecting on some of those points and how love can make bridges for … Continue reading
Love Makes a Bridge: Why Black Lives Matter (And not “All Lives Matter”)
Thanks to Steve Babb for sending in this collection of considerations. As I reflect on them, I consider them as a way of building bridges–into my own consciousness and conscience and into the reality of fellow Americans about whom I … Continue reading
Love Makes a Bridge: Where is the Love? part 2
I have always been a relatively optimistic person. I see the silver linings in situations, I see hope on even the farthest horizon, and I believe that people are inherently good, at the core. I abhor injustice, and I break … Continue reading
Love Makes a Bridge: Where is the Love–part 1
This. Slays me. Breaks me. Opens me. Please listen. Again and again. The group, The Black Eyed Peas, has done and re-done this amazing, devastating, healing song. It is a bridge. It is a bridge in so many ways. It … Continue reading
Love Makes A Bridge: Spanning Chasms
Bridges are so easy and convenient to use. But, let’s imagine them not being there for a minute. I grew up in a rural community that was bisected by a creek. It was a deep creek. To get to our half … Continue reading
Return Again: Our Principles–1
In Unitarian-Universalism, we gather ourselves and our faith around seven Principles. Our Principles are not religious dogma in content. They are ethical principles in that they embody rather explicitly the things we value. They allow us to bring stories and … Continue reading
Return Again: To your one wild and precious life
Yesterday, many of us in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett gathered to celebrate the life of our friend, John Duktig. Several lines from Mary Oliver were terribly poignant in our gathering not the least of which: Doesn’t everything die … Continue reading