Monthly Archives: May 2014

Wings: Launching Love into Life

“In the midst of the work and warnings, the elderly man’s cheeks were soaked with tears and his fatherly hands trembled.  He gave kisses to his only born son.  He would never again be able to do that.  After he lifted … Continue reading

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Flight: A Safe Place to Land

A friend of mine, with a spacious backyard, has seen a pair of ducks return in the springtime, year after year, to her pool.  She has welcomed them for a long time, and she awaits their arrival annually.  Two years … Continue reading

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Wings/Flight: Love Liberates

Yesterday the world learned of the passing of one of our great Souls, Maya Angelou. Angelou once told of the time early in her life when she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend.  Days later, the man was killed by … Continue reading

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Flight: Impossible Dreams

A bird is born with the capacity for flight.  It needs to learn the skill, but the instinct and ability are inherent within it. A butterfly must become a completely new version of its original self in order to fly, … Continue reading

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Wings: To Live in Peace

I spent a summer in Egypt my senior year of college.  The things I learned have become key to my understanding of Egypt and the Middle East. Egypt has a complicated Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Egyptian identity and is filled with … Continue reading

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Flight: Memorial Day

The largest event of the year in my small-town community is the Memorial Day parade.  I attend annually with my children, and annually I endeavor to refrain from crying uncontrollably when the banner that lists the names of the fallen … Continue reading

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Wings: of Angels

Each and every one of us has experienced the benefit of everyday angels in our lives.  When one sees a need and fills it, without consideration of compensation, when we put forth effort for the benefit of others without expectation … Continue reading

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