Monthly Archives: July 2014

Departures: Stories, Part 3

For the third time, I come with a reflection on stories as a most important human point of departure. At the 2014 Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly, Sr. Simone Campbell gave the honored “Ware Lecture” to the delegates gathered there. … Continue reading

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Departures: Air Practice

Breathing well, breathing clean air, is long associated with thinking clearly, perceiving well. For this meditation, consider the following questions.  Because they are open ended and may take more time to ponder, this devotional will be shorter to read!  You … Continue reading

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Departures: Leaving Church

The Methodist Church I grew up in was patent leather Mary Janes, a touring youth choir, and making sandwiches for homeless men at Orlando’s first shelter, our fellowship hall.  I was baptized there, confirmed there, married there.  I grew up … Continue reading

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Departures: The Gift in Good-Bye

“The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. Maybe they always have been and will be. Maybe we’ve lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we’ve found each other. … Continue reading

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Departures: Stories Revisited

“The purpose of language used in communication is to put a picture in the heart and/or mind of another person.”  Laurie Clarcq My friend and colleague offered these words recently at the International Foreign Language Teachers’ Conference in Denver, CO. … Continue reading

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Departures: What Are We?

Are we our physiology or our psychology?  Are we how we feel or what we do?  Are we wisdom or knowledge?  Feelings or values?  Of the Earth or of the Universe?  Collective consciousness or collective achievement?   Our possibilities or … Continue reading

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Departures: Stories

Germanic and folklore specialist, Maria Tatar, says that when we begin telling a story, the story itself indicates that we have left normal time. Leaving normal time is often looked down upon as daydreaming, as inattention to what really matters, … Continue reading

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