Category Archives: Listening

Listening Freshly

“We are all on the edge of having to listen freshly all the time.”  – Ram Dass When my first son was born and I embarked on the adventure of motherhood, suddenly cries took on a significance and meaning that … Continue reading

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Listening: Howling at the Moon

Sometimes my dog jumps up from where he is sitting in the house and begins barking frantically.  My initial inclination, still, is to shush him and admonish him for “barking at nothing”.  But I always stop myself.  I am aware … Continue reading

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June 28 – Listening: How do I Hear the Divine?

I believe the divine is inside all of us just waiting to be heard.  That inner voice is our divine… You all know about that inner voice right? The one that tells you not to take a certain job or … Continue reading

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June 27 – Listening: Do You Hear What I Hear?

Anyone here who has had a conversation with me over the last year or so  knows that I have been grieving and processing the death of my mother in November of 2104.  As the executrix of the estate my parents … Continue reading

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Listening: Whose Headphones?

For quite a few years, something called a “Silent Disco” has been gaining popularity.  It’s a party at which there are several DJs playing different music, and all of the guests wear headphones, each with the ability to individually control … Continue reading

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June 24–Listening: The Inner Voice

Part 3 of homily given by Karen Smith, June 20 at UUCG: When preachers and poets talk about listening to our inner voice, they are not advocating that we give in to the dark angel of doubt.  They want us … Continue reading

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June 23–Listening: The outside voices

Part 2 of homily given by Karen Smith on June 19 at UUCG: Parents don’t always come in pairs, and it can be a good idea to have multiple parents, biological or otherwise, to help bring emotional support to one … Continue reading

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