Tag Archives: awareness
Sowing Seeds of Patience
When we plant a garden, we know that what we sow is what we will eventually reap, but we must also be conscious of the fact that this is not an endeavor that provides instant gratification. There is, inherently, a … Continue reading
Ecology: The Giving Tree
“Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy.” So begins Shel Silverstein’s story, “The Giving Tree”. This book was chosen as the focus of the Religious Exploration sessions at UUCG for last two months. If you … Continue reading
Ecology: Nature’s Pace
The natural world provides us with many resources, both tangible and spiritual, but it also provides us with a living example of what is healthy and beneficial. Nature can be a valuable teacher, if we allow ourselves to heed her … Continue reading
Birth: Divine Spark
“A child is born on Earth. A new light shines in the universe.” ~ Vivian Rider, “Life, Light, Love” Every child is born with a divine spark within them. This is the transcendent aspect of Who We Are; the individual-yet-connected … Continue reading
Birth: When Were You Born?
Awhile back, a shaman friend of mine posted an essay questioning the meaning of the phrase “late in life”, and re-framing the definition of age by equating it with the length of time that has passed since experiencing a spiritual … Continue reading