Monthly Archives: March 2014

Sowing: Trust and Faith

Trust and faith are parallels to each other, and I believe they are necessary elements to living a joyful life.  We need to believe in possibilities.  We must trust that our dreams are achievable.  We have to have faith that … Continue reading

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Sowing Magic

Sowing seeds is an act of faith.  You take a few specks, press them into some dirt, give them a drink, and then… really, you’re dependent on magic for the rest.  But magic does deliver, else we wouldn’t continue to … Continue reading

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Sowing Seeds of Trust

I work with people, and the most important thing I do is to sow seeds of trust between us. I talk about it in different ways with the people with whom I work:  I am your ally.  I am on … Continue reading

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Sowing: The Marvel of Dandelions

Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) are weeds, as we all know.   They are the nemesis of many a gardener, as well as those who attempt to cultivate vast, pristine lawns.  But they are also beneficial, providing food for honeybees, and unique nutritional … Continue reading

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Sowing Seeds of Justice

I was born into and raised in the United Methodist Church.  Some part of me will always be Methodist because the best parts of Methodism in my life are Universalist and Unitarian.  That is, they affirm the interconnected web of … Continue reading

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Sowing Seeds of Happy-ness

My ten year-old son arrived home from school the other day in an uncharacteristically foul mood.  Every aspect of his being – from his countenance and physical demeanor to the energy radiating from his eyes – revealed the abject misery … Continue reading

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Sowing: The Labyrinth

  The image of the labyrinth appears in cultures the world over, from Italy             to Navaho America             to the Celtic lands of Wales, Ireland, Scotland and Britain   … Continue reading

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