Category Archives: Advent
Advent (Love): Room For Everyone
Oh, oh come in, Bring your friends, Bring your neighbors, Bring your whole family. Oh, come on in, There is room in the stable For everyone. When people ask me what Unitarian-Universalism is, I manage to include: there’s room for … Continue reading
Advent (Love) – Generating Love
@Pontifex on December 23, 2013 @5:23 am EST Retweet Christmas celebrations are often full of sound. It would be good for us to make room for silence, to hear the voice of Love. …Pope Francis As I move about in various places … Continue reading
Advent (Love): Sharing the Love
This morning, the youth of our congregation presented our annual holiday pageant. This year it was a retelling of the nativity story entitled, “Would You Like to Hold the Baby?”, written by Joyce Poley. This version of the story – … Continue reading
Advent (Joy): Winter’s Solstice
Joy takes on the color of its surroundings. Today is the shortest day of the year because, as the ancients had it, the Sun is dying. That is the color of Joy today. Don’t stop reading. Joy can, indeed, be … Continue reading
Advent (Joy): Cultivating Friendship
Emotional support means that someone other than me understands the feelings that are tossing me around in my life. The very existence of another human being who sees and understands me on that level brings–joy! Self-disclosure means that another person … Continue reading
Advent (Joy): Of Giving
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore For the past few years, we at UUCG have “adopted” students at a local … Continue reading
Advent (Joy): Friendship
“Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.” Marcus Tullius Cicero Friendships are crucial to our experience as human beings. Both in my life as a teacher watching adolescents interact, … Continue reading