Category Archives: Love

Advent (Love): True Self, part 3

What if each human being is a true Self which, ultimately, cannot be hurt?  If we find our way to see this the possibility of true power, love and peace enter our lives.  This creates the very real possibility that … Continue reading

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Advent (Love): True Self, Part 2

Can we show up in the presence of those who have hurt us and be whole?  Our more common response is to put on a face or facade.  This is a very important survival skill, and we learn to do … Continue reading

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Advent (Love): True Self, Part 1

Recently, on a very ordinary day I began to reflect on some of the people in my life who have hurt me.  A voice from inside me asked me very clearly:  can you show up whole in the face of … Continue reading

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Advent (Love): Room For Everyone

Oh, oh come in, Bring your friends, Bring your neighbors, Bring your whole family. Oh, come on in, There is room in the stable For everyone. When people ask me what Unitarian-Universalism is, I manage to include:  there’s room for … Continue reading

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Advent (Love) – Generating Love

@Pontifex on December 23, 2013 @5:23 am EST Retweet Christmas celebrations are often full of sound. It would be good for us to make room for silence, to hear the voice of Love.  …Pope Francis As I move about in various places … Continue reading

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Advent (Love): Sharing the Love

This morning, the youth of our congregation presented our annual holiday pageant.  This year it was a retelling of the nativity story entitled, “Would You Like to Hold the Baby?”, written by Joyce Poley. This version of the story – … Continue reading

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