Category Archives: Gift of Generosity
Heart of Gold
Recently, I heard on the radio “Heart of Gold” by Neil Young, one of his more famous songs, that has always touched me to the core. “I want to live, I want to give, I’ve been a miner, for a … Continue reading
Generosity In My Heart
Growing up in a Christian society I have, on more than one occasion, heard about giving generously and receiving glory. Many passages in the bible talk about giving to the Lord, giving to those in need. The implication of those … Continue reading
A State of Spirit
I used to think that generosity was a money thing, that you had to have‘enough’ money to be able to give it away. Like all those foundations thatsponsor the PBS shows I watch. This was, of course, before I realizedhow … Continue reading
Giving Birth
As someone who identifies as a man, I cannot say that I have given birth in the biological sense. As the father of three, I can say that I have been called alongside the person who physically gave birth to … Continue reading
Struggling with Generosity
I have to admit I am struggling with the theme of Generosity this month. This may come as a surprise, since most of our UUCG family knows that I have a heart of giving to others through my time and … Continue reading
Presume the Best
Over my lifetime, more than one person has come along with the message that in the midst of conflict or potential conflict, we should presume the best of the other party’s intention. The fact that more than one person has … Continue reading
Where Does Our Abundance Go?
The first service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett this November featured four speakers sharing reflections on generosity in addition to the homily and, though Iparticipated as a speaker, I found myself further inspired by the thoughts of our … Continue reading