Tag Archives: empowerment

The Labyrinth: Fair vs. Just

Sarah: That’s not fair! Jareth: You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is? ~ lines from Jim Henson’s film, Labyrinth, 1986 The majority – if not all – of people reading this, through sheer luck, … Continue reading

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Birth: By the Book

Every new parent knows: babies don’t come with instructions.  We know the rules, we know the expected outcome; what we struggle with is the everyday “how tos”.  Sure, we can get advice from friends with children, or our own parents, … Continue reading

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Birth: Making Choices, Being in Control

There is only one thing we can control in life — our own self. We can control our thoughts, our emotions, our responses. We can observe behaviors and reactions and realize we made a choice. Therefore, we could choose a … Continue reading

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