Tag Archives: Spirit
Birth: When Were You Born?
Awhile back, a shaman friend of mine posted an essay questioning the meaning of the phrase “late in life”, and re-framing the definition of age by equating it with the length of time that has passed since experiencing a spiritual … Continue reading
Storehouse: Spirit Meditation
By engaging in practices that strengthen our own inner presence as spiritual beings, we will approach others as spiritual beings. Robert Sardello, Silence: The Mystery of Wholeness The labyrinth has for many years now become both a symbol of and a … Continue reading
Storehouse: How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
All faith traditions have their own spiritual practices which serve to afford believers a means to connection with Source or spirit. Although it certainly can, a practice that we gain spiritual benefit from doesn’t have to be an intricate ritual. … Continue reading
Storehouse of Joy
Our congregation’s youth group planned and hosted a Trunk or Treat event recently. The costumes were creative, clever, complicated, and sometimes a bit challenging when the parts didn’t stay together quite right. People were ingenious in decorating their trunks … … Continue reading
Harvest: Spirit Meditation
We have pondered through this month many aspects of Harvest including the vision, the magic, the relationships and the resources that the theme of Harvest can mean for us. Can we hear Spirit weaving and working all of those in … Continue reading