Monthly Archives: April 2014

Metamorphosis: Community Transforming

I recently read most of a book titled “Bowling Alone”.  And I say most of a book because it was 480 pages long and full of statistics – a fine subject someone else needs to study.  The author, Robert Putnam, … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Transforming Community

During a workshop at a recent gathering of Unitarian Universalists, those present were asked to articulate their dream for the world.  I summed up my dream in two words: Radical Relatedness. I dream of a world in which people are radically related … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: A Smile

I’ve spent years inside of high school buildings which are notorious for long hallways. Every hour or so, with the ring of a bell, hundreds or thousands of human beings move into these long hallways and move to their next … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: From ‘I Am’ to ‘We Are’

Things are not always as they seem. Transformation might involve seeing things from a different perspective – stepping away from what you are to see what you will become… I am sitting in IHOP, wanting to work on a very … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Reactions

Throw some baking soda on some vinegar: explosive bubbles!  The opposites – alkaline and acid – combine with each other and cause a reaction that changes the make up of the substances involved.  If the alkaline and acid are equal … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis – The Journey

Where are you going? We ask ourselves this question periodically as we move through life. Setting goals, checking in on how the journey is progressing, perhaps altering our course or even tweaking our mode of transportation… The truth is that … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Looking Deeply

A fable of Aesop tells the story of a raven who envied the beautiful plumage of the swan. Raven decided that the water the swan swam in must be what produced the beautiful feathers, and so raven left the place where … Continue reading

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