Tag Archives: UU 5th Principle
Belonging: That Bumper Sticker
Some time ago, I was walking into the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett’s building from the parking lot, and my eye was drawn to a bumper sticker on our minister’s car. The most radical thing we can do is to … Continue reading
March 21–Awe and Wonder: Human Capcities
These days I know that I am not alone in almost daily horror at the anger, violence and outright hatred that certain politicians are stirring up within pockets of American life. I hear myself and others wondering out loud: have … Continue reading
The Muses: What I am living for–Part 2
(We are sharing, over three days, the homily given by Karen Smith in the January 10 service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett. In the first part, Karen set us up to ponder how it is we share with … Continue reading
December 28–The Sacred: Trust
We have said, in this space, that “the sacred” is in so many words something we place high value on, something that is precious. We have also examined it as not something other and separate from the ordinary but actually … Continue reading
The Sacred: The Separate or the One?
Whatever “sacred” means to you, is it something totally separate from ordinary things or is it inside of and part of all things? Is it special and extraordinary, or is it common and ordinary? Is the sacred natural or supernatural? … Continue reading
Culture and Tradition: Government
Forms of government are formal ways of establishing values and behavior. Around government, there has been in my life time almost constant conversation about “culture wars.” Are Americans in a 300+ year long experimentation in creating a new culture? Do … Continue reading
July 4–The Playground: Playing Well
This anniversary of our nation’s independence comes on the heels of many events that cause us–regardless of one’s political views–to reflect on the meaning of our values. Civil Rights. Life. The Pursuit of Happiness. Freedom. The Freedom to speak, to practice … Continue reading