Monthly Archives: January 2014

Birth: Mess and Process

Birth.  Death.  Bath.  All three English words indicate, by the final -th a process.  In our culture we have, I am afraid, reduced all three to a singular moment when, in fact, they are all processes that take time.  That … Continue reading

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Birth: Crone Wisdom

Fifteen months ago, I became a grandmother.  As I watch my daughter nursing her daughter, while yet another hot flash consumes my inner core, there is no denying I am entering the world of the crone.  Crone is a word … Continue reading

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Birth: A Process

Words are not everything, and sometimes we act as if they are.  I do love, though, what words and their history can tell us about ourselves.  Words can be a kind of mirror reflecting back to ourselves how we practice … Continue reading

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Birth: at Home

Earlier this week a severe storm raged through this area.  The rolls of thunder shook the walls and windows of my house, as the winds caused the limbs of tall trees in our yard to scrape against the outer walls … Continue reading

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Birth: Making Choices, Being in Control

There is only one thing we can control in life — our own self. We can control our thoughts, our emotions, our responses. We can observe behaviors and reactions and realize we made a choice. Therefore, we could choose a … Continue reading

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Birth: Sharing the Road

One morning, as I was driving my children to school, we encountered a family of deer running across the road.  All of us in the car audibly gasped in awe, and I pointed out to the boys how fortunate we … Continue reading

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Birth: Divine Spark

“A child is born on Earth.  A new light shines in the universe.”  ~ Vivian Rider, “Life, Light, Love” Every child is born with a divine spark within them.  This is the transcendent aspect of Who We Are; the individual-yet-connected … Continue reading

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