Tag Archives: Earth
Departures: Earth Practice
“Aware of our interdependence, we acknowledge that eating ethically requires us to be mindful of the miracle of life we share with all beings. With gratitude for the food we have received, we strive to choose foods that minimize harm … Continue reading
Sustenance: Take a Breath
We take our first breath the moment we are born, and not until our last breath at the moment we die do we cease to depend on the air that surrounds us. Although most of us rarely attend conscious thought … Continue reading
Sustenance: Earth Meditation
Sit somewhere that allows you contact with the Earth. Perhaps you can actually sit outside on a deck or porch. Perhaps you can sit near a window so that you can see outside or hear birds sing. Sit comfortably, feet … Continue reading
Sustenance: Re-Wilding
I grew up in a large metropolitan city and, while I have always had an affinity for nature, I have never really had an appreciative connection with it. I enjoy the feeling of grass beneath my feet, but I abhor … Continue reading
Ecology: Winter’s Grace
Reaching for White The sun rose on fields snow blown and misted ghostly swirls and dervishes. No fog this––– for fog simply lies. No–––this was living as it arched and twisted, fingering out to the road and reaching for me … Continue reading
Ecology: The Giving Tree
“Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy.” So begins Shel Silverstein’s story, “The Giving Tree”. This book was chosen as the focus of the Religious Exploration sessions at UUCG for last two months. If you … Continue reading